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Book Chapters

  • "Intra-Developing Asia FDI Flows: Magnitudes, Trends and Determinants" in Soesastro, H. (ed.), Deepening Economic Integration- The ASEAN Economic Community and Beyond, ERIA Research Project Report 2007-1-2, Chiba: IDE-JETRO, pp.204-238, 2008. 

  • "Enhancing Regional Cooperation in Financing Infrastructure Investment: Issues and Options”, Enhancing Regional Cooperation in Infrastructure Development Including that Related to Natural Disasters, Bangkok: UN-ESCAP Report: Bangkok, 2006 (with Amarakoon Bandara).

  • “Asian Economic Cooperation and Integration: Sequencing of Financial, Trade and Monetary Regionalism”, in Asian Economic Cooperation and Integration: Progress, Prospects and Challenges, Manila: Asian Development Bank, 2005, pp.77-92.

  • “Financial Integration in ASEAN and Beyond: Implications for Monetary Integration”, in D. Hew (ed.), Roadmap to an ASEAN Economic Community, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2005, pp.246-289.

  • “International Financial Flows and Regional Financial Safeguards in East Asia”, in R. Miranti and D. Hew (ed.), APEC in the 21st Century, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2004, pp.188-211.

  • “Centralized Reserve Pooling for the ASEAN Plus Three (APT) Countries”, in Monetary and Financial Cooperation in East Asia, Palgrave-McMillan Press for the Asian Development Bank, 2004, pp.285-330 (with Reza Siregar)

  • “Unilateral, Regional and Multilateral Options for East Asia”, in G. de Brouwer (ed.), Financial Governance in East Asia, London: Routledge, 2003, pp.239-63.

  • “Financial and Macroeconomic Cooperation in ASEAN: Issues and Policy Initiatives”, in M. Than (ed.), ASEAN Beyond the Regional Crisis: Challenges and Initiatives, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies: Singapore, 2001, pp.126-47.

  • “The Economics and Politics of Monetary Regionalism in Asia”, ASEAN Economic Bulletin, Special Focus Issue on Globalization, R. Rajan (ed.), 18 (1), 2001, pp.103-18 (with Chang Li Lin).

  • “The East Asian Crisis: Selected Policy Issues for Financial Stability”, in Working with Peers for Financial Reforms in East Asia, Foundation for Community-Building in the Asia-Pacific: Manila, Philippines, 1999, pp.1-14

  • “Monetary Policy and the Global Financial Crisis”, in R. Jha (ed.), Handbook of South Asian Economies, Routledge, 2011, Chapter 11 (with Rabin Hattari and M.S. Islam).

  • “Exchange Rate Pass-through”, in Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy, K. Reinert, R. Rajan, A. Glass and Lewis Davis (eds.), Princeton University Press, 2009 (with Amit Ghosh).

  • “Fear of Floating”, in Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy, K. Reinert, R. Rajan, A. Glass and Lewis Davis (eds.), Princeton University Press, 2009 (with Slavi Slavov).

  • “Capital Controls”, in Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy, K. Reinert, R. Rajan, A. Glass and Lewis Davis (eds.), Princeton University Press, 2009 (with Ilan Noy).

  • “Capital Mobility”, in Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy, K. Reinert, R. Rajan, A. Glass and Lewis Davis (eds.), Princeton University Press, 2009 (with Tony Cavoli).

  • “Hot Money and Sudden Stops”, in Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy, K. Reinert, R. Rajan, A. Glass and Lewis Davis (eds.), Princeton University Press, 2009 (with Ashima Goyal and Ilan Noy).

  • “Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs)”, in Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy, K. Reinert, R. Rajan, A. Glass and Lewis Davis (eds.), Princeton University Press 2009 (with Tom Willett).

  • “Have Exchange Rate Regimes in Asia Become More Flexible Post-Crisis?..”, in Y.W. Cheung and K.Y. Wong (eds.), China and Asia: Economic and Financial Interactions, Routledge, 2009 (with Tony Cavoli)

  • “Extent of Exchange Rate Flexibility in India”, India Macroeconomics Annual 2007, SAGE Publication, 2008, pp.125-140 (with Tony Cavoli).

  • “Still Searching for the Middle Ground: Asian Exchange Rate Regimes..”, in R.S. Rajan, S. Thangavelu and R.A. Parinduri (eds.), Monetary and Financial Issues in Asia, World Scientific, 2008 (with Tony Cavoli).

  • “Economic Competitiveness and the and the Equilibrium Exchange Rate: the Case of Singapore”, in R. Rajan (ed.), Sustaining Competitiveness in the New Global Economy: A Case Study of Singapore, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003, pp.251-66 (with Reza Siregar).

  • “Globalization and Public Health in Asia”, in R. Deetles, S. Sullivan and Tan Chorh Chuan (eds.), Public Health in Asia, University of California, Berkeley (with E.A. Jahncke, S. Paul and A. Seow), 2013.

  • “Introduction to Managing Globalisation: Lessons from China and India”, in D. Kelly, R.S. Rajan and G. Goh (eds.), Managing Globalisation: Lessons from China and India, World Scientific: Singapore, 2006, Chapter 1 (with David Kelly).

  • “Introduction and Overview: Sustaining Competitiveness in the New Global Economy”, in R. Rajan (ed.), Sustaining Competitiveness in the New Global Economy: A Case Study of Singapore, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003, pp.3-39.

  • Resolving the Interest Rate Premium Puzzle: Capital Inflows and Bank Intermediation”, in V.R. Lynde (ed.), International Banking Issue, Nova Science: New York, 2005 (with Graham Bird).

  • “International and Intraregional Interest Rate Interdependence in Asia: Methodological Issues and Empirical Results”, in Monetary and Exchange Rate Arrangement in East Asia, KIEP: Seoul, 2005 (with Manfred W. Keil, Amnat Phalapleewan and Thomas D. Willett).

  • “Reserve Adequacy in Asia Revisited: New Benchmarks Base on the Size and Composition of Capital Flows”, in Monetary and Exchange Rate Arrangement in East Asia, KIEP: Seoul, 2005 (with Jung Sik Kim, Jie Li, Ozan Sula and Thomas D. Willett).

  • “Private Capital Flows in East Asia: Boom, Bust and Beyond”, in G. de Brouwer (ed.), Financial Markets and Policies in East Asia, Routledge, 2002, pp.47-81 (with Reza Siregar).

  • “Intra-ASEAN FDI Flows and the Role of China and India: Trends and Determinants,” in T. Cavoli, S. Listokin, R.S. Rajan (eds.), Issues in Governance, Growth and Globalisation in Asia, Chapter 5 (with Rabin Hattari and Shandre Thangavelu), 2013-14.

  • “Intra Asian FDI Flows: Magnitudes, Trends and Determinants”, in R.S. Rajan, R. Kumar and N. Virgill (eds.), New Dimensions of Economic Globalization: New Surge of Outward FDI from Asia, World Scientific, 2008 (with Rabin Hattari).

  • “Overview: Explaining the New Surge in Outward Direct Investment from Asia”, in R.S. Rajan, R. Kumar and N. Virgill (eds.), New Dimensions of Economic Globalization: New Surge of Outward FDI from Asia, World Scientific, 2008 (with Rajiv Kumar and Nicola Virgill).

  • “Finance (In East Asia)”, in H. Kharas and I. Gill (eds.), An East Asian Renaissance: Ideas for Competitive Growth, World Bank: Washington, DC, 2006 (with H. Kharas and E. Vostroknutova).

  • “Financing Development in the Asia-Pacific Region: Trends and Linkages”, The Roles of Trade and Investment Policies in the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus: Regional Perspectives, Studies in Trade and Investment No.55, 2005, pp.21-65.

  • “The New Wave of Free Trade Agreements in Asia: With Particular Reference to ASEAN, China and India”, in Asian Economic Cooperation and Integration: Progress, Prospects and Challenges, Manila: Asian Development Bank, 2005, pp.123-160 (with Rahul Sen).

  • “What Does the Economic Rise of China Imply for ASEAN and India: Focus on Trade and Investment Flows”, in H. Kehal (ed.), Foreign Investment in Developing Countries, Palgrave: McMillan, 2004, pp.171-204 (with Sadhana Srivastava).

  • “Liberalization and Competition in the Services Sectors: Experiences from Asia – Three Case Studies”, in J.B. de Macedo and T. Chino (eds.), Asia and Europe: Services Liberalisation, Paris: OCED Development Centre, 2003 (with K. Fukasaku and J.C. Maur).

  • “The Japan-Singapore Trade Pact: A “New Age” Economic Partnership Agreement for the New Millenium”, in P. Davidson (ed.), Trading Arrangements in the Pacific Rim, New York: Oceana Publications, January 2003 (with Rahul Sen).

  • “Singapore’s New Commercial Trade Strategy: Examining the Pros and Cons of Bilateralism”, in Chang L.L. (ed.), Singapore Perspectives 2002, Singapore: Times Academic Press, 2002, pp.99-130 (with Rahul Sen).

  • “Singapore”, in National Strategies for Regional Integration: South and East Asian Studies, G. Wignaraja, J. Francois and P.B. Rana (eds.), Anthem Press and Asian Development Bank (with Shandre Thangavelu), 2011. Expanded version published as monograph.

  • “Confronting Contradictions in the Indian Economy: An Evaluation of the Past, Policies for Future Investment and Growth”, in F. Columbus (ed.), Asian Economic and Political Issues Vol.1, Commack, NY: Nova Science Publishers, 1998, pp.91-138 (with Sanjay Marwah).

  • “Regional Economic Cooperation Involving Developing Countries In The Post-Cold War World: Lessons From the Asia Pacific”, Development and International Cooperation, 10 (21), 1995, pp.383-404.

  • “Singapore – India Economic Relations: Exploring Synergies for Mutual Benefit”, in M.C. Yong and V.V.B. Rao (eds.), Singapore-India Relations: A Primer, Singapore University Press: Singapore, 1995, pp.116-95 (with Mukul Asher).

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